10 November 2022

Twenty Tables Stools & Chairs

My latest handywork creations in wood include the following items.  All have Oak tops and a natural vegetable-oil and beeswax finish. No screws or nails are used. Joints are waterproof glued and wedged. 

Legs are either lathe-turned or cut from young coppice sticks. The atter randomly shaped and chosen for their rustic appeal and aesthetic quality. No two items are the same and because my work is not machine made each one is unique.

Stick legs are Hazel, Sweet Chestnut or Sycamor wood cut to shape on an old fashioned bodgers horse using a draw knife and spokshave. Where the grlain of the wood demands I like to use a flambe'd finish to accentuate the grain and to help the natural oil and beezwax pentrate deep into the wood.

 Tuba Skinny


Pair of nesting tables with figured oak top and lathe turned legs


Childs Stool

Flamb' Ovals
Rustic and quirky

Rustic with bark on legs and flamb' top

Sheffield Cutlers stool

Rustic wany edge

Rustic Oval

Lathe turned legs

Hazel Legs

Rustic oval

Rustic with wany edge

Teak legs on upcycled wood

Jacobean stained legs

Rustic stool with centre carry-piercing

Three new legs on the old chair & table top waiting for its legs.
Awaiting assembly


 F.A.Q.  Footnote:  I am sometimes asked if I undertake commisions and the answer is "selectively and sometimes".   Repair work I will not normally accept, unless required to my own pieces under guarantee, (happily undertaken but rarely needed).

Wood is carefully selected from a local supplier Yandles of Martock.

Windfalls or driftwood is sometimes used. I am sometimes asked if I can use tree sized wood from the garden. If you deliver it to me planked and cut into useable form - yes.!

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